With many thousand TPS treatments performed, there exists extensive experience in the treatment of dementia. The majority of patients improve in cognitive comparative studies (MMST, DemTect, etc.), their mood brightens, they become more active again, word-finding difficulties decrease, etc.
For the treatment of other neuronal diseases such as Parkinson's disease, only case studies are available so far. In these, improvement of muscular symptoms is a frequently observed as treatment result. For example: tense facial structures relax, chewing and swallowing become easier, muscular control improves, walking becomes more stable, fluid and faster.
Incidentally, age is not important. Our oldest patient was 97 years old and responded well to the therapy.
When we look at the patients with Alzheimer's dementia that we have treated at our center we see an improvement in symptoms in about 2/3 of the cases. In some patients the difference is very pronounced, but most of the time the changes are mild to moderate:
For example, after TPS the persons are often less passive. It is easier to motivate them to go for a walk, they may start playing their musical instrument again or they do more housework. You could say they are more open to life again. Their mood often improves and becomes more balanced. This can mean, for example, that the person is happy to have their grandchildren come for a visit.